The Sonar Islands look a bit deserted, and unfortunately they are. We have had plans to integrate more languages, develope new content and experimente with new interface stuff. Besides that, we wanted to sharpen game mechanics and bringing movement into it and rebalance the whole system.

But sometimes life has different plans, that interferred with ours. A very serious accident happened to my team member, a month ago, first we are very happy to have her back alive, but second recovery is still going on and we do not expect her back before next year.

And therefore the future of Sonar Islands has to wait, till all of us are back on board. In the meanwhile we will activate the events and hopefully we will reach our goals for the game and in life.

Categories: Sonar Islands


Anya Kristen · 21. July 2023 at 17:39

Hello. I hope you’re doing well.
I just started to play the game some days ago and it’s amazing. I’m not into mobile games so much because i use bluetooth headphones and i’m always sceptical about latency. But the game is great. Having a very nice and somehow chill ambience, with some good challenge on the way. The sound design is great, sometimes i wish i could just wander around without any time limit and just enjoy myself xD
I really wish this game is still in progress, i haven’t unlocked even half of the islands yet but i cannot wait to have them all, and maybe more in the future.
As a blind gamer, this games is honestly one of the best i’ve ever played. Thank you.

Salt&pepperfox · 2. March 2024 at 1:36

So very sorry about your team member and I hope a speedy recovery. But you were saying you might activate the events. In the meantime. I have not seen an event since around August 2023. I would still pay good money if you would package those three events as a game pack.

    Hansjörg · 2. March 2024 at 9:36

    We are working again, so expect a new update soon. A lot has changed in the meanwhile, so we have to bring all updates in.
    best Hansjoerg

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