You haven’t heard from us for a long time, but we have been working in the background on the technical requirements to implement time-limited events. This has immediately become a larger project so as not to cause any confrontations with the existing game.

The good news is, it can’t be much longer. We are currently testing a hell ride on a mine lorry on an underground rail course. At full speed you have to steer through the underground tunnels, set switches correctly, blast away falling boulders and duck to avoid swarms of bats.

In order to ride the underground roller coaster, you have to collect new tokens on all the islands, which are distributed randomly on your own islands as well as on the islands you attack. But for starters and to try it out, there are free rides for everyone at the beginning of the event.

We should be ready to release it before the end of the month. Keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well and that we don’t find too many mistakes. And for all of you, a sneak preview:

Ride in the minecar

And a personal note off topic: a wave of solidarity with Ukraine is sweeping through Europe right now, and we don’t want to close ourselves off from it either. We organised accommodation for a family with 3 children. This took us a little time, but with the images of the many fleeing children before our eyes, we could not do otherwise. The war is just 400 km away from our city and the suffering is immeasurable.

Categories: Sonar Islands


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